Income Tax / Sales Tax / Investment / VAT / Professional Tax / Service Tax

Income Tax ...

Tax rates for the year 2008-09
Tax rates for the year 2009-10
Tax rates other than individuals
Advance payment of Tax
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Tax rates for the assessment year 2009 -10
For resident women (who is below 65 years at any time during previous year) -
Net income range Income-tax rates Surcharge
[see Note 1]
Education cess [see Note 3] Secondary and higher education cess
[see Note 4]
Up to
Rs. 1,80,000
Nil Nil Nil Nil
Rs. 1,80,000-Rs.3,00,000 10% of (total income minus Rs. 1,80,000) Nil 2% of income tax 1% of income tax
Rs.3,00,000 - Rs.5,00,000 Rs. 12,000+20% of (total income minus Rs.3,00,000) Nil 2% of income tax 1 % of income tax
Rs.5,00,000 -
Rs. 10,00,000
Rs.52,000+30% of (total income minus Rs.5,00,000) Nil 2% of income tax 1% of income tax
Rs. 10,00,000
Rs.2,02,000+30% of (total income minus Rs. 10,00,000) 10% of income-tax [see Note 2] 2% of income tax and surcharge 1 % of income tax and surcharge
For resident senior citizen (who is 65 years or more at any time during the previous year) -
Net income range Income-tax rates Surcharge
[see Note 1]
Education cess [see Note 3] Secondary and higher education cess
[see Note 4]
UptoRs.2,25,000 Nil Nil Nil Nil
Rs.2,25,000-Rs.3,00,000 10% of (total income minus Rs.2,25,000) Nil 2% of income tax 1 % of income tax
Rs.3,00,000 -Rs.5,00,000 Rs.7,500+20% of (total income minus Rs.3,00,000) Nil 2% of income tax 1% of income tax
Rs.5,00,000 -Rs. 10,00,000 Rs.47,500+30% of (total income minus Rs.5,00,000) Nil 2% of income tax 1% of income tax
Above Rs. 10,00,000 Rs. 1,97,500+30% of (total income minus Rs. 10,00,000) 10% of income-tax [see Note 2] 2% of income tax and surcharge 1% of income tax and surcharge
For any other individual, every HUF/AOP/BOI/artificial juridical person -
Net income range Income-tax rates Surcharge
[see Note 1]
Education cess [see Note 3] Secondary and higher education cess
[see Note 4]
Up to
Rs. 1,50,000
Nil Nil Nil Nil
Rs. 1,50,000-Rs.3,00,000 10% of (total income minus Rs. 1,50,000) Nil 2% of income tax 1% of income tax
Rs.3,00,000- Rs.5,00,000 Rs. 1 5,000+20% of (total income minus Rs.3,00,000) Nil 2% of income tax 1 % of income tax
Rs. 10,00,000
Rs.55,000+30% of (total income minus Rs.5,00,000) Nil 2% of income tax 1% of income tax
Above Rs. 10,00,000 Rs.2,05,000+30% of (total income minus Rs. 1 0,00,000) 10% of income-tax [see Note 2] 2% of income tax and surcharge 1 % of income tax and surcharge
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